Ahead of the second annual Kimmett Cup Pond Hockey Championship, lead sponsor Cochrane
IGA helped the Kimmett family install six picnic tables and three park benches around Mitford Pond
dedicated to their daughter Lindsay who died last year as a passenger in a single vehicle rollover.
From left to right are Reid, Kelly, and Dianne Kimmett, Town of Cochrane parks employee Andy
Degraw and his daughter Meghan, tournament co-founder and Lindsay’s medical school classmate
Dr. Joe MacLellan, Julian deCocq and Sandy Johnson representing the Town of Cochrane, and IGA
owners and lead sponsors of The Kimmett Cup, Dawn and Barry Metcalfe. Missing from the photo is
tournament co-founder Jason Baserman.


Good morning and thank you to everyone for coming out on this most perfect day for golf.  Last January a dream of Lindsay Kimmett and Joe MacLellan came to fruition with a giant pond hockey tournament on the Mitford pond. Lindsay was not here to see it happen but her good friend Joe along with Jason Baserman who is now living in New York made it happen. The Kimmett Cup was played here in Cochrane on January 10th 2009 nearly a year after Lindsay’s death. She would have loved to play in this tournament where many families and friends got to play hockey in a most unforgettable, truly Canadian fashion. We are here today to thank Joe and Jason and their volunteers, to thank Barry and Dawn Metcalfe of Cochrane IGA and all sponsors for their financial backing, to thank Andy Degraw and all the town employees for their help in setting up the venue, and to thank Sandy Johnson and her crew at the town office. With the proceeds of the tournament The Lindsay Leigh Kimmett Memorial Foundation is pleased to dedicate 6 picnic tables and 3 park benches for use by all Cochrane residents here at Mitford Pond. The family also thanks Marc Lavigne for arranging the purchase and assembly of the tables and benches and the parks and roads employees for assembling and delivering them to this site. On behalf of the Kimmett family we are pleased to dedicate these tables and benches in loving memory of Lindsay Kimmett and hope they will be enjoyed by the citizens of Cochrane. Thank you.