Jess Brown’s Eulogy to Linds
I've had the privilege of knowing Lindsay for the past year and a half' We began as medical school classmates but quickly developed a strong friendship' I am honored to be the one to tell you a little about the Lindsay that the Class of 2009 affectionately known as the Macaques has known and loved' The U of C med school has many traditions including the creation of class hockey jerseys and nicknaming of each student. Monumental was Lindsay's jersey name and was originally meant to tease her about a crush she had on one of our preceptors. Little did we know it would become a testament to how Lindsay lived her life. Lindsay was monumental in her generosity. The first party she hosted was a Thanksgiving dinner in Cochrane for classmates that were not able to be with their families. She insisted on preparing everything herself and refused to accept money to offset the cost of groceries and the end result was always an incredible meal. Recognizing that even more people would attend if celebrated prior to the holidays the infamous "pre-parties" began and they continued even up until that final Sunday. Lindsay was monumental in her perseverance. Lindsay, I and two other classmates naively signed up to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro this past summer. Plagued by stomach upset, bronchitis and altitude sickness Linds made it to within minutes from the top before collapsing. I asked her if we should turn back but she insisted, "I want to go on." I took her hand and [...]